Tuesday 21 September 2010

Week 3

24-09-10 Photoshop Tutorial


After finishing the mood board, I scanned it in and saved it. We were then taught how to annotate the mood board using photoshop. We did this by adding text, explaining colour scheme choice, and how the mood board relates to our film poster. I wrote about my colour scheme choice of black, white, grey, and red, and how this reflects the genre and theme of the poster I will create.

23-09-10 Internet Browsing

Today, we discussed search engines and added some to our favourites under a seach engines folder, and we also talked about the importance of only gathering information from a reliable source. We added some Media websites to our favourites that we can gather information from. Some of the sites we added were . . .
We also browsed through newspaper websites and added them to our favourites in a newspaper folder. This type of Media will keep us up to date with news and stories.

DVD Menu design and authoring Task 2

As research for Task 2 of DVD Menu design and authoring, we got information on regional coding, why its used, and the advantages to the producer. We also got information on different DVD formats and different sound formats. We were asked to complete Task 2 as homework.

21-09-2010 Photoshop Tutorial.

Introduction to Photoshop cs3

Today, Harry gave us our first Photoshop tutorial. Because of our project on movie posters, we discussed the rule of thirds, which concerns the layout of the graphics, and the colour scheme used to create a flowing poster. We also talked about how opposite colours can be used to make thinks stand out more. To begin with our tutorial, we selected an image on a neutral background from the internet .I chose a pineapple. To begin editing, you must ....
  • Use browser to locate the file.
  • Select file, new
  • Choose international paper, Color mode - CMYK color, and set image resolution to 100 to decrease the size of the image.
After opening the image, we had a play around with different features to familiarize us with what can be done. I found some really good features and cant wait to use it for a project.

Shortcuts and Terminology
Shortcuts and Terminology of Photoshop are important to know because they will increase our knowledge and how well we work with the software. It is also important so that when we are working for clients in the industry, we have lots of experience with the software.

Undo - ctrl , z
Undo 2 steps - ctrl , alt, z
Deselect - ctrl , d
Zoom in to our canvas - ctrl , +
Zoom out of our canvas - ctrl , -

Canvas - This is the area we will create and edit whatever we are making.
Tools Palette - This provides us with features we can use to edit graphics and images.
Layers Palette - This is the area that manages the different layers of our final creation.

21-09-2010 Graphics

Mood Board Production

We carried on with our mood boards, adding more images and related text. I began on a second mood board to reflect the horror theme of my film poster. I included lots of black, white, and grey images from previous horror and thriller films, and included bright images of red to break up the black and white. I chose red to draw attention to the details of my poster.

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