Wednesday 8 September 2010

Week 1

 What do I want to find out?

By doing this Interactive Media Course, I want to find out and be more than competent in different techniques of media production, develop a further understanding of the career pathways available with the business, and also to reach a higher level of creative thinking. I also plan to join both the journalist club and also the filming club. The journalist club will be important to give me more knowledge about the methods used to write and to add to my experience. The filming club will be important to give me knowledge of the techniques and methods used to plan and produce film. I am really looking forward to both.

Youtube Ads / Socio Economic Groupings

We were asked to watch four examples of TV adverts on Youtube.We were then asked to identify the product, identify the target audience, and describe the target audience. One way in which we were asked to describe the target audience was by looking at socio-economic groupings and find out which grouping, or groupings the advert is targeted at. These grouping are graded in order of their social status with upper middle class at the top and those at the lowest income at the bottom eg pensioners, and people on benefits. We also described the target audience by deciding the sex, gender, and age the adverts are directed at.


Film Poster Research

We were asked to look at some posters from existing films and find out what goes into a film poster such as the colours used to create moods, different fonts, and images to show themes and give clues about the film. We did this by looking at an already annotated film poster to provide an example of what we would look for when annotating posters by ourselves. This was good practice for being able to read film posters and what is trying to be conveyed to the audience through the poster. We were then asked to start thinking about designing our own film posters.

Film : ' Grown Ups '

We went out to the cinema with the class to watch the film Grown Ups. The film seemed to appeal to different audiences. The cast that includes Chris Rock and Adam Sandler would appeal to comedy fans immediately because of how big these actors/comedians are. As the story went on, it seemed as though the film was aimed at  a middle aged audience as well because of the plot, which told the story of a reunion of childhood friends, a scenario that slightly older people could relate to. The film included comedic situations which was well suited to the cast however a few to many one liner jokes that asked for cheap laughs from the audience let it down in some ways.

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