Tuesday 14 September 2010

Week 2


Film Posters

To further our study of film posters, we started to draw three sketches of film posters that we would decide between when creating our final poster. My first drawing was of a woman looking at the screen, holding a hand of cards over the bottom of her face, so that only her eyes were visible. I wanted the feeling of mystery and hidden identity which the covering of the face acheives. While giving connotations of luck and fortune, linking the poster to gambling, the colors red and black will be used to break up the black and white theme, which will draw attention to the details of the poster. I want to create a gambling thriller genre which the inclusion of these features will help display.

16-09-10 DVD Menu Design


As a way of introducing us to DVD Menu design and authoring, we studied DVD Terminology. This includes the Functions and Elements such as buttons , images and text, Codes and Conventions, such as autoplay, parental control and subtitles, techniques and planning, including rollover buttons and links, and production and preparation which involves such things as storyboards. As a way of furthering our understanding of the topic, we looked at 4 current DVD Menus and found out what was included in them. We then independently looked at some other DVD Menus and picket out the elements and codes and conventions used. After this research , we were set the task of summarizing our findings. This was to be in the form of a report.

17-09-10 Graphics

Research of current film posters

We annotated our film posters and gave them some final further details. Because of our previous experience of annotating current film posters, I found annotating my own easy because I knew what to include to give a professional feel to the posters.

17-09-10 Graphics

Mood Board Production

When compiling images, text and color for my mood board, I focused on the theme of conflicting ideas, images and the way opposites can be used for effect. One way in which I did this was sticking oppositely themed images onto each other. I was able to complete about a third of my mood board in the lesson but will need to continue creating it in other lesson time to complete it. I also had began to think about creating a second mood board to reflect the colours i will be using for my poster. I decided on a simple colour scheme consisting of black, white, and grey with red to draw attention to the details. From studying different colour schemes, I know that this selection of colours gives connotations of horror, death, and blood. Also the black, white, and grey give connotations of old style films.

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