Tuesday 23 November 2010

Week 11

DVD Menu Design 26 - 11 - 2010


I began on the evaluation of the project by planning and starting to write up the evaluation today.

Television Advert 25 - 11 - 2010

Research Unit

We were introduced to our new assignment of producing a 30 second Television Advert. There are 3 units covered within the project.
  • Unit 1 - Pre Production techniques
  • Unit 3 - Research techniques
  • Unit 30- Advertisement for television
We started on an individual report that will go towards the research techniques unit entitled 'What is research?' It covers the types of research commonly used in the industry ( primary, secondary, quantitive, and qualatitive research ) using examples. I also covered market research techniques. Advantages and disadvantages of each type of research are explained also.

DVD Menu Design 23 - 11 - 2010

Response to Feedback

To respond to a feedback point outlined by Harry, I made sure my blog included media that is relevant to the different parts of the blog. For example, I included an image of the moodboard that I created to show the themes and colours that will be used on the menu.

DVD Menu Design 23 - 11 - 2010

Skills Profile Update

See skills profile.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Week 10

DVD Menu Design 20 - 11 - 2010

Response to Feedback

As response to Feedback, I produced an animation storyboard that planned the animation I would be using. I researched story boarding on the internet first to make sure the one I produced was of a good standard. To start with, I sketched the different frames of my animation, showing the movement of the bubbles. After doing this, I included how the animation would be made, which included the program I would be using and the tools that would be needed. 

DVD Menu Design 19 - 11 - 2010

Response to Feedback

To show how conventions have been followed, I have included a screen shot showing conventional imagery of a crime/gambling thriller being used. This particular screen shot is from the deleted scenes menu. There are images of cards, giving connotations of gambling, set against a background filled with lights, giving links to Vegas, a well known setting for various films of the same theme. As well as imagery conventions, color conventions are shown by the use of white, black , and red. I know these are all color conventions of crime and gambling thriller because of my existing product research.

DVD Menu Design 19 - 11 - 2010


I completed my animation today which included creation in Photoshop and importing the .mov file as a timeline into Encore. When imported to Encore I linked the file to the Main Menu by using the pickwhip tool. This is a screen shot of part of my animation. The animation consists of 3 bubbles moving towards the surface of the drink.

DVD Menu Design 18 - 11 - 2010


When I went to Andy for feedback, he gave an opinion that the font used for the buttons was not the best font that could be used to give connotations of the theme. I took this into account and decided to test a different font to see if it looked better.

I decided on using a different style of font called 'Trajan Pro' . I have included a screen grab of the Main Menu screen to show a different look of the menu. I decided that this new style of font suited my Menu more than the previous style, so I decided to use it.

DVD Menu Design 16 - 11 - 2010

Linking Menus

I completed the production stage today by linking the menus in Encore. I did this by opening up the flowchart screen and linking the menus with the pickwhip tool. I found this way of doing it clear because an advantage of this way is that it is easy to see where each menu is linked.

I have attached a screen shot of the completed main menu screen taken from the DVD Menu.

I am happy with the final product because I have included the colour and imagery conventions that I planned on including in my pre production stage. For example, I used red and black, two colour conventions of crime and gambling themed products.

DVD Menu Design 16 - 11 - 2010


I went to Harry for feedback and I was given 6 action points that will improve my work.

Action Points to Improve work
  • Organize evidence of work - I will do this by including more titles and definitions of terms to make the evidence more clear to the reader.
  • Cite all research - This will be completed by providing a source of where I gathered the information from.
  • Detail in Blog - I will complete this by including all feedback and including further media, ( images, video ), to provide more evidence of production and to make the evidence clearer.
  • More design processes - More evidence of the design process needs to be included. I will do this by further annotating my sketches and the storyboard of the animation.
  • Conventions followed - I will complete this by making sure that in all products, the generic conventions are followed.
  • Refer to grade descriptors - I will refer to the grade descriptors and make sure all points are completed.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Week 9

12 - 11 - 2010 DVD Menu Design

PSD File Production
All of the images and text that needed to be included were added today. This included images of cards and poker chips that acted as icons.

I then completed the production of the PSD files which included the coding of the buttons and rollover effects. Doing this furthered my understanding of the different codes that need to be added for this kind of product to work. I did this for all my menu pages. All that is left to do is the Encore stage of production which includes the linking of the menu pages and then finally post production which will complete the project.
Examples of codings that I used the most.
Button - (+)
Rollover Effect - (=1)

11 - 11 - 2010 DVD Menu Design

PSD File Production

I produced the basic layout of all my Menus in Photoshop. This included adding images that I have taken and editing them for a proffessional effect. I also added the text that needed to be added to the Menus. I kept to my planning by referring to the production schedule to remind me of what needed to go where.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Week 8

DVD Menu Design 05-11-2010

PSD File Creation
I created an example PSD file very similar to the main menu of my inal DVD Menu design. It included imagery similar to the images I will use and also the effects I will use on my final product.

DVD Menu Design 05-11-2010

I started searching through magazines for images that could be used on my Mood Board. I looked in film magazines such as ' Empire ' and found images of colour conventions I will be using, actors that are linked with films from the same genre, and images that give connotations of the themes I will be basing my product on.

I have attached an image of the mood board I created in Photoshop. As you can see, colour conventions of crime and gambling are included such as red, white, and black. Also, the theme of crime is represented with the inclusion of images of recognized characters from films that follow the same theme and genre.
DVD Menu Design 04-11-2010


I produced a mood board on Photoshop today as part of my Production schedule for the DVD Menu Design project. I included images relating to the genre of crime and gambling. This included images of recognizable characters from known films. I also included images that gave links to gambling E.G. Las Vegas, Dice.

DVD Menu Design 03-11-2010

Animation and Audio
Today, I produced a document outlining how I will include Animation and Audio in my DVD Menu.
          I had different ideas on how to include Animation in my Menu and settled on animating bubbles in the drink the character is holding. The bubbles will be animated so that they appear to be floating towards the surface of the drink. This is a simple Affect I will use however I know it will be effective at bringing the character to life.
        When deciding on the Audio Soundtrack I will be using, I know it is important to research the Audio used on current DVD Menus from the same genre and theme. From doing this, I know that an instrumental soundtrack made from classical music is conventional of crime thriller DVD Menus. This type of soundtrack is what I will be using in my product.

DVD Menu Design 02-11-2010

Encore : Review of learning
We were given a learning review sheet to complete. It included questions that I am able to answer as a result of completing exercises on Encore. An example question that was asked was ' how do you create a new project in Encore '. There was also space to include our own thoughts and  how confident and focused we are on the project.